EPH Controls CP4 V2 – OpenTherm® Programmable RF Thermostat

Code: EPHCP4V2

CP4V2, the latest version of the favourite CP4. Building on its predecessor’s success, CP4V2 seamlessly merges a sleek, contemporary design with trusted features.

£67.62 Incl. VAT

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In Stock

CP4V2, the latest version of the favourite CP4. Building on its predecessor’s success, CP4V2 seamlessly merges a sleek, contemporary design with trusted features. Introducing a redesigned receiver to fit an industry standard 6 Pin backplate and an innovative 30 minute boost feature, the CP4V2 adds convenience to the user while enhancing the installation experience for the installer. Boiler Plus Compliant.

  • Power Supply (RFRP-V2)
  • 2 x AA Alkaline Batteries Temp Range
  • 5...35˚C Temperature Sensor
  • NTC100K Switching Differential
  • 0.4˚C

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