Restores and maintains heat exchanger efficiency in hard water areas and stops boiler noise by re-dissolving limescale precipitation on heat exchanger surfaces.
FOR ESTABLISHED CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEMS. Restores and maintains heat exchanger efficiency in hard water areas and stops boiler noise by re-dissolving limescale precipitation on heat exchanger surfaces.
Dose Rate: Bottle contains 250ml. This treats up to a 50 litre (5 radiator) system at 0.5% solution. Compatible with aluminium No problems occur through overdosing or mixing Scalemaster products.
Application: To prevent ‘kettling’ and boiler noise, (First check noise is not caused by system design or mechanical fault before application). Dose via the feed and expansion tank or via a radiator as per BS/7593. Leave in system. For best results use with IN-100 Corrosion Inhibitor.