Removes (black) iron oxide corrosion products by flushing and restores circulation and system performance. Should be left in system minimum 2 hours, maximum 2 weeks.
FOR THE REGENERATION OF ESTABLISHED HEATING SYSTEMS. Removes (black) iron oxide corrosion products by flushing and restores circulation and system performance. Should be left in system minimum 2 hours, maximum 2 weeks.
Dose Rate: Bottle contains 250ml. This treats up to a 50 litre (5 radiator) system. Compatible with aluminium No problems occur through overdosing (up to double dose) or mixing Scalemaster products
Application: Dose via the feed and expansion tank or via a radiator as per BS/7593:2006. Run system on normal heating cycle. Leave in system minimum 2 hours, maximum 2 weeks. Flush out until water is clear to remove all contaminants.
Protection: At final fill add Scalemaster SM1Inhibitor to prevent scale and corrosion