For the regeneration of sludged heating systems using powered flushing equipment. Assists in the rapid removal of iron oxide corrosion products.
HEAVY DUTY CLEANER FOR POWERED FLUSHING OF SLUDGED SYSTEMS. For the regeneration of sludged heating systems using powered flushing equipment. Assists in the rapid removal of iron oxide corrosion products.
Dose Rate: Bottle contains 250ml. This treats up to a 50 litre (5 radiator) system. Compatible with aluminium.
Directions for use: Dose via the feed and expansion tank or via the vessel of a powered flushing unit. Circulate for at least 1 hour (hot where applicable) then flush each individual radiator in accordance with BS7593:2006. After cleaning, drain and thoroughly flush out through all drain points until water is clear to remove all contaminants. (Heavily contaminated systems may require further treatment.